Year 11 Careers Information

During the autumn term Mrs Sinclair will be focusing on supporting year 11’s with their transitions into further education, a copy of our brief guide to options beyond school.

Next steps -

Every September the careers team will begin to see each Year 11 student for a 1:1 to talk about their plans and ideas. Appointment slots are distributed via tutors, in assembly and logged on class charts.

Each student will receive an action plan and prospectuses.

Applications will need to be done online. We do not recommend using phones.

The 6th forms would like applications in by Christmas, Colleges are a little more flexible but would like applications in sooner rather than later.

When applying, please do not use student Email addresses as a means of contact. The school spam filter may not allow Emails with interview information through!

Attend your interview at the agreed time…most likely a phone conversation.

Don’t forget that you can apply for several courses with different colleges and 6th forms and make your final mind up later in the summer.

It is the student and the family's responsibility to complete and submit college and 6th form applications, the careers team is available to support the application process.

Good luck!