The school believes that home learning is important for the educational progress of all children. As parents, you can support your child by ensuring that home learning is completed conscientiously and in the best possible conditions.
At Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) where a student fails to complete homework then students will be given a twenty minute lunchtime homework detention; failure to attend will result in a next day after school detention of one hour.
At Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11) where a student fails to complete homework the subject teacher will set a twenty minute detention. This may be at break, lunch or after school at the teacher’s discretion; failure to attend will result in a next day after school detention of one hour.
Where a child has a genuine difficulty in completing their Home Learning or in meeting a deadline, they should make sure that they speak to their tutor and subject teacher.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact the school FAO Mr King.
Year 7 - Year 11 Knowledge Organisers
KS3 students will be issued with a homework folder, in this folder they will keep both their homework booklet and their home workbook. Students and parents should refer to the homework booklet for further information about homework tasks and their homework timetable.
Year 10 and Year 11 students will be given a homework ring binder, which will contain the knowledge organiser sheets for their core and option subjects as well as lined paper and other useful bits of information they may be issued across the year.
Students are expected to complete one full page in their home workbook and spend around 20 minutes (30 minutes for Year 10 and Year 11) on homework for each subject on their homework timetable that day.
Year 10 and Year 11 students only may be set additional homework tasks, such as exam question practice to aid in learning. Any extra tasks will be logged on class charts.
Key Stage 3 Tutors will check homework during Tutor Time. Tutors will be looking for a full page of work on the correct subjects of the Knowledge Organiser completed with no gaps, as well as for purple pen ticks/corrections and good presentation.
Key Stage 4 homework will be checked by the subject teacher. Failure to complete homework at KS4 will result in a detention with the subject teacher as outlined above.
Subject teachers will set 3 knowledge quizzes each learning cycle to monitor how effectively students are using their knowledge organisers. These will be completed in class. Students will also complete a formative assessment during the learning cycle on which they will receive written feedback (what went well, even better if….), together with a summative assessment to check their knowledge at the end of each learning cycle.
The schedule of the strategies that students will be using with their knowledge organisers at TKASA this year
Look, Cover, Write, Check, Correct - Video 1
Self-Quizzing - Video 2
Definitions of keywords - Video 3
Mind Maps - Video 4
Flash Cards Video 5
Key Stage 3 - Knowledge Organiser Booklets
Learning Cycle 1
To see the Year 7 Learning Cycle 1 Homework Booklet please click here (updated)
To see the Year 8 Learning Cycle 1 Homework Booklet please click here (updated)
To see the Year 9 Learning Cycle 1 Homework Booklet please click here (updated)
Learning Cycle 2
To see the Year 7 Learning Cycle 2 Homework Booklet please click here
To see the Year 8 Learning Cycle 2 Homework Booklet please click here
To see the Year 9 Learning Cycle 2 Homework Booklet please click here
Learning Cycle 3
To see the Year 7 Learning Cycle 3 Homework Booklet please click here
To see the Year 8 Learning Cycle 3 Homework Booklet please click here
To see the Year 9 Learning Cycle 3 Homework Booklet please click here
Homework Timetables for Key Stage 3
In addition to the timetable above students should also complete 30 minutes per week using online Sparx Maths and 20 minutes of a day reading.
Key Stage 4 - Year 10 & 11
Seneca for KS4 and KS5
www.senecalearning.com is an online learning platform that has high-quality courses for all subjects at GCSE and A Level. Your child will be able to log into Seneca premium on a phone, tablet or computer and study any of their school subjects. There are:
- Over 1300 online courses such as Hardest Questions, Predicted Papers, and HyperLearning.
- Smart Learning Mode using data and neuroscience to tell your child exactly what to
learn and when to learn it.
- Wrong Answer Mode to helps students learn as quickly as possible.
For your child to make the most of this fantastic resource, we recommend:
- Seneca may be set as homework for students in Year 11, 12 and 13, students should complete this homework to the best of their ability.
- Students should use all the different course types available on Seneca.
- Students should use Seneca little and often throughout the year rather than using it to cram in the weeks before their exams.
All student accounts have been set up with their school email addresses and they can login in through the google option on the login page.