
If your child is in Years 7 to 11 and you are interested in applying for a place at The King Alfred School an Academy, please contact, in the first instance, our Student Services Team (Tel: 01278 784881). who will be able to supply you with an Application Pack, including detailed instructions for the application process.

If you would like to find out more about the school before applying, please contact Mr Bail, Associate Assistant Headteacher, who can arrange a time for you to come in to meet us and to have a look around during the normal school day.

For transition from Year 6 into Year 7 please contact the Local Authority in the first instance as they deal with the admissions process. Please visit Somerset Council’s website Applying for School which also contains information about catchment areas and admissions policies.

We hold an Open Evening at the start of the school year, but please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a tour of the school at any other time.

Additionally, we have a planned admission limit in each Year Group. This limit is set in order to ensure that our school is able to run as efficiently as possible with the resources that we have. The admission limit for September 2024, for academic year 2024-25, is as follows -