Sixth Form Open Events

Welcome to The King Alfred School Sixth Form Open Events.

Join us at The King Alfred School - an Academy Sixth Form for a fun and informative event. Explore our Sixth Form, meet our dedicated staff, and learn about the exciting curriculum we offer.
Whether you're a prospective student or a curious community member, this evening is a great opportunity to discover what makes our school special.

Please book your place via Eventbrite by clicking the appropriate date

We can't wait to welcome you!

Open Morning - Saturday, 5th October 2024 (9:00 -12:00)

Open Evening - Thursday, 7th November 2024 (17:00-19:00)
This event will include a briefing from Mr Milford, Headteacher and Mr Radnidge, Head of Sixth Form

Open Afternoon - Friday, 8th November 2024 (By appointment only)

Cerrie WilliamsYear 11