Non Uniform Day - Friday, 17th March 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Friday, 17th March 2023 we will be holding a non-uniform day in aid of two charities.
The charities we will be raising funds for are Comic Relief and the 2022/23 TPLT Charity, Foodbank.
To find out more about the Highbridge Area Foodbank please click here.

We are asking for a £1 donation to enable your child to come into school in appropriate casual clothing (please no mini-skirts, crop-tops, etc).
All money raised will be split equally between the charities. We are also accepting donations of food items for the Highbridge Foodbank.

Please bring in the right money as we will be unable to issue change.  Their donation should be handed in at tutor time to their tutor.
Thank you for your support.