Y7 & Y8 Summer School

Due to government funding we are hoping to be able to offer a free 5 day summer school provision for students currently in Year 7 and Year 8.

The summer school will be run by Mendip Outdoor Pursuits and will be held on site. There will be a maximum of 5 days that the students can attend and each day will be dedicated to a different theme. More information on the activities and themes is available on the poster below.

Year 7 would be invited to attend during week commencing 19 July

Year 8 would be invited to attend during week commencing 26 July

In order for us to plan ahead please can you complete the expression of interest form via the red button below if your child would be interested in attending. This will allow us to understand the possible numbers of students who would like to take part. Please note this will not commit your child to attending the sessions. The deadline for expressing an interest will be end of Friday 30 April.

summre school.JPG
Melanie Marsh