Delighted students arrived back after lockdown to find a university-style 40 foot inspirational sporting collage of world greats


Students returned to The King Alfred School Academy for the first time since January to be greeted by staff and a 40-foot giant photographic inspirational tribute to sporting greats.
The collage is made up of world-beating sporting giants alongside many motivational quotes.
Andy Murray, Mo Farah, Lewis Hamilton are featured with quotes such as “If it is easy then you are doing it wrong” by Gabby Williams.
The collage is part of their ongoing desire to inspire students with role models and encouragement, and to demonstrate the passion to integrate students back to the academy for outdoor pursuits, extra curricular work, and physical efforts.
Principal Nathan Jenkins said: ”This is a quite wonderful celebration of world sporting greats with incredible quotes to motivate our students. School is so much more than exams and even more so after the year we have all had. We want to inspire students to life success and to enjoy physical activities and the life-long skills that brings. We are so excited to welcome all students back this week and this backdrop is quite sensational.”

The academy is part of The Priory Learning Trust.
