Safeguarding Evening & Snapchat update


Working Together to Protect our Young People

Wednesday March 17th 2021 7:00pm

Do you know who your child is talking to?

Do you know enough about risks to young people in our community?

We are passionate about safeguarding young people and this duty does not end when they leave the school premises.

Burnham & Highbridge is a small community but there are real issues affecting our young people and we have found that by engaging with parents/carers we are best placed to try and educate young people about the risks of grooming/County Lines/exploitation etc..

Please join us for a virtual safeguarding evening on Wednesday 17th March at 7:00pm. We will be letting all parents know of how to join nearer the time but for now please make a note of the date and time.

The session will be hosted by Andri Nicolaou of Avon and Somerset Police.

Any questions please contact Mrs Lawrence on 01278784881 or email

Parental Concern - On-line Safety


We have been asked by a parent to highlight their concerns about snapchat and the function of quick adds.

By using quick adds young people can find themselves linked up with complete strangers and in this instance they were being asked to share details of themselves. Fortunately this parent was checking their young person's social media activity and asking questions - that is not always the case and this can leave young people open to grooming.

There are lots of concerning sites/apps young people are accessing that leave them them open to unwanted and at times predatory contact.

We see above for details of a Virtual Safeguarding Evening for 17th March 2021 at 7:00pm which will cover the risks of social media/grooming and concerns around drugs.

Please contact Mrs Lawrence 01278784881 or if you require any further information.