Launch of our "Reverse Advent" and "12 Days of Christmas" campaigns for the fourth year running

The King Alfred School Academy in Highbridge, Somerset will see students perform a daily musical performance to be played on Sedgemoor FM.

The aim is encourage donations for the fantastic Foodbank charity across Sedgemoor throughout the festive season.

Sixth form students have partnered up with local supermarkets Tesco and Asda, who are helping to provide food and trolleys for collection points. Students, parents and staff members will be able to donate items for the local Foodbank at collection points in the school throughout December.

Principal Dan Milford said: "Our students have been phenomenal in getting this project off the ground.

“They will use their immense musical talents which will be broadcast on the radio and we are expecting another year of brilliant giving from the community to Foodbank.”

Dave Englefield of Sedgemoor FM said: “We are delighted to be supporting this innovative and heart-warming project. 

“It was a privilege to witness part of the rehearsals and recordings of some of the songs, and to see the joy, enthusiasm and excitement on the students’ faces. 

“They will not only get you in the festive mood while putting a smile on your face but will also help bring a little joy and happiness to the less fortunate members of our community.”

TKASA has had a brilliant few years with a raft of good news, £1.2 million of site improvements, excellent GCSE and A Level results, and a thriving Sixth Form.

It is part of The Priory Learning Trust.