Remote learning from Monday 4th January

As you will have seen in the letter from Mr Jenkins dated 31/12/20 students will be accessing home learning from Monday 4th of January. Whilst students are unable to attend school, please be reassured that we will be providing students with a full curriculum of remote learning. The remote provision will have a mixture of daily tasks and subject tasks as follows:

Daily work should be completed each day and students will access these using the specific websites or knowledge organisers

Subject work will be posted by staff from Monday the 4th of January and work should be submitted by the following Friday at 3.30pm. Students should complete up to 3 hours of subject work each day but they can choose in what order they tackle it across the week.

Remote learning guidance for year 7-13

Google classroom help

As always teachers are available via either email or google classroom to support or provide extension work so please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Mr Witts

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