Year 7 Online Access

Due to COVID 19 restrictions in school we cannot get students to activate their school logins at school as usual. Due to this we are asking parents to help students activate their log in from home by following these 5 steps.

5 steps to follow so you can activate your school log  in:  

1 Visit

2 Enter your username and temporary password

- Your username follows the format 2020-surname- 1st initial so a username for someone named Joe Bloggs would be 2020bloggsj

- Your temporary password will be your date of birth in the format DDMMYY so somebody born on the 1st of January 2009 would have a password of 010109

3 You will the see a page that says that your password has expired and you need to click to change it.

4 Once you have clicked the link  type in a new password.

5 Be careful to remember your new password this is what you will use to log on to school computers and computer programs we use

Thanks for your support with this, if you have any questions please send us an email

Melanie MarshYear 7