Big hearted staff deliver food packages to needy families in scheme backed by Marcus Rashford


Stacey Leatherby of The King Alfred School Academy in Highbridge, Somerset has been delivering food parcels to families for months.

Along with fellow staff member Suzanne Lawrence, Stacey collects weekly donations from local supermarkets and takes them to grateful local families.

She signed up for the FareShare scheme 18 months ago, a scheme backed in April during lockdown by star Manchester United footballer Marcus Rashford.

Stacey said: “I collect weekly donations from both our local Tesco and Asda stores, which I then make into food parcels and deliver to families.

“Obviously, since lockdown, there has been more financial pressures on families and more families in need. Luckily, Premier League footballer Marcus Rashford got behind the scheme bringing it into the press allowing more people to get behind it. “

“The local supermarkets have been fantastic with their donations and some weeks I am able to make 5-6 collections of food donations from stores.”

“My eldest son, Kai, along with his younger brother Cameron heard about the Marcus Rashford scheme and wanted to get involved, so since lockdown they have been helping me making the food into parcels ready for me to deliver out to families.

“There is nothing more satisfying than seeing how much of an impact these food parcels have on the families.”

Mr Rashford, 22, teamed up with FareShare in April and has helped raised more than £20m to feed vulnerable children.

Rashford made his own sizeable donation and the interest in the FareShare project soared as a number of supermarkets got involved.

TKASA is a brilliant Academy with a thriving and expanding sixth form

If anyone knows of local families in real need of help, they can get in contact and it will remain completely confidential.

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