Jack Millier, 17, Student Union President at TKASA, has been awarded a place at the world-renown Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama to study BMus (Hons) in Composition

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Jack’s feat is all the most remarkable as he beat over 1000 applicants to one of the handful of places - last year there was only 22.
The brilliant RWCMD has produced notable alumni, such as Gavin and Stacey creator Ruth Jones, actor Rob Brydon, oscar winning actor Anthony Hopkins, along with many other recognisable stars.
Jack is not only starring in his studies, but he has been helping out in a host of ways with the community, including considerable charity work for In Charley’s Memory the mental health charity.
Head of the Sixth Form, Jonathan Gaskell said: “This is an outstanding achievement Jack and thanks for doing so much for TKASA and the wider community - you are a terrific role model for all our students.”
TKASA is one of the fastest-growing school-based sixth forms in Britain. It is part of The Priory Learning Trust and is attracting students from schools in Weston-super-Mare including Priory Community School Academy, Worle Community School Academy, as well as Bridgwater. They have also had 10 international students over the last two years.

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