Over 700 students make 700 chocolate and sweets gift boxes to thank keyworkers

Oct 2020.jpg

The kind-hearted The King Alfred School Academy students in Highbridge made the cardboard boxes in their design technology lessons to give to local key workers, parents or relatives who are keyworkers and helpers in the community.
Local sweet shop, Burnham’s Sweet Shack, helped provide sweets and chocolates to fill the boxes at cost value.
Mark Barham, Head of DT, said: “Due to Covid safety restrictions on workshop access we developed a ‘design-and-make’ activity that can still be delivered safely in any classroom. We were humbled when we heard the positive reactions from key workers who have been receiving the surprises. This has been a great community project involving The Sweet Shack, 700 local students and 700 very worthy keyworkers. We are delighted that our project idea will also be rolled out into several other schools next term.”

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