Amazing students created a Cinderella production on their own and dazzled their performance to sell-out audiences

Cinderella 2020.PNG

The King Alfred School Academy students performed Cinderella to students, staff, parents, carers and the community over three nights.

Members of the Burnham and Highbridge public lucky enough to get tickets loved the performance.

Planning began back in September when the Year 12 drama class were asked to create their own production company. They inspired other non-drama students including four of their international students to take part to bring about a brilliant success.

The self-starting students delegated roles ranging marketing, directors, backstage crew and front of house.

Assistant Director Natasha White said “We decided on a pantomime because of its fun, light-hearted nature that we knew could create a positive production that would draw in the sixth form community and appeal to all ages. The production was built as a team and we have had a blast working on it!”

TKASA is a high-achieving school-based sixth form and part of The Priory Learning Trust.


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