Budding Deborah Meaden’s ask for community help as they seek to ease arthritis for millions with their secret invention

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Sam Bains, Sam Davey, Harry Brafield, all 14, of The King Alfred School Academy have entered a Dragons’ Den competition against other schools.

Their invention - to help arthritis sufferers - could be marketable across the country if successful.

It is the first time the academy has entered the Dragons’ Den contest which will be held at the Winter Gardens, Weston-super-Mare in March.

They are now looking for people suffering from arthritis or family and friends to helps the students in their research and testing. They would also like to hear from any businesses who would like to sponsor t-shirts.

Their team coach, TKASA Careers Adviser Stacey Leatherby, said: “Their invention is truly terrific and we are excited to see it unveiled during the competition. We are looking for people to help in their testing, research and preparation.”

Contact Stacey on sleatherby@tkasa.org.uk if you can help.


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