One of Britain’s leading gambling addiction experts Dr Matthew Gaskell visited Sixth Form to lead a workshop with students.
One of Britain’s leading gambling experts visits inspirational school
Dr Matthew Gaskell visited King Alfred School Academy sixth form to lead a workshop with sixth form students.
Matthew leads the addiction services for the Leeds & York NHS Trust, dealing with people with problems related to drug and alcohol addiction, as well as gambling addiction.
He is about to open and lead the north of England's first NHS behavioural addiction centres for pathological gamblers, and wants to work with young people with gaming disorders in the future.
After the workshop he did a question and answer session with special guests Angie Clarke and Rob Jones from Somewhere House, a residential rehabilitation centre in Burnham-on-Sea.
Matthew said: “It was a privilege and pleasure to meet the students at King Alfred’s. I’d like the thank the students who looked after me on the day, they were a huge credit to themselves and the school.
“I’d also like to thank the groups of students I worked with who took such a keen interest in the subject of addiction.”
Written by Charlotte Slade, aged 17