It’s official: High-flying academy best in Somerset again under new statistics

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A Highbridge and Burnham school is officially the most improved secondary school in Somerset, according to new figures. 

The King Alfred School Academy (TKASA) is squeezing more and more potential out of each individual school with an increase of 0.39% on the Government’s main Progress 8 measure of performance.

The increase is the best performance in Somerset and better than most secondary schools across the south west.

The Progress 8 score monitors pupils’ progress between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4, showing which schools are achieving the most when it comes to students’ academic development.

Under the actual GCSE results in August, the high-flying academy showed some staggering increasing increases from last year with huge boosts across the GCSE results.

Some 19% of students achieved grades 9-7, while 53% scored grades 9-5, and 73% had grades 9-4.

TKASA is one of the fastest improving schools in the south west with two years of significant improvement and good news, and led by The Priory Learning Trust (TPLT).

Principal Nathan Jenkins said ”We are thoroughly delighted with these latest set of performance statistics which show how much we are improving in so many areas. There is much more to come.”

Neville Coles, Executive Principal of TPLT said: “There is clearly a huge momentum at TKASA and students, staff, parents, carers, governors and the whole community are partners in making this school one of the fastest improving in the south west.”

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