Hundreds of random acts of kindness carried out by students at high-achieving school

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Inspiring students at The King Alfred School Academy have been doing hundreds of random acts of kindness this week.

Every student was asked to complete a random act of kindness such as buying a gift, saying some kind words, or doing a good deed.

Once these acts were achieved, the students wrote their names on blue balloons to signify their good deeds, which were tied to a tree in the school’s grounds.

The amazing activities also saw 22 students become Princess Diana Ambassadors during anti-bullying week. 

The ambassadors have been trained by the Princess Diana Award, a charity that sets out to put a stop to bullying.

Anti-bullying ambassador Hoshi Speight said “It is my job to make everyone feel comfortable at school, I also did this at my primary school.”

The student ambassadors have also set up a ‘buddy bench’, on which one student will be sat during lunch times to talk to any students who need it.

TKASA is one of the fastest improving schools in Somerset and also has a wide ranging program to nurture students’ mental well-being.

Principal Nathan Jenkins said: “We are very proud of our students and the Random acts of kindness project was one of many initiatives driven by them. It reminds every student that respect, kindness and good character are essential both in life and in our Academy.”


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