Head of Department: Mr M Barham
Health and Social Care Lead: Ms King
Health & Social Care Curriculum Overview
OCR Level 1/ 2 Cambridge National in Health and Social Care - Year 10 & 11.
This course will develop knowledge, understanding and practical skills that would be used in the health and social care sector. The course will help students to develop independence and confidence in using skills that would be relevant in HSC as well as learning skills that can be used in other life and work situations.
These include:
Communicating effectively with individuals and groups
Researching different areas, interpreting findings and reporting them
Planning health promotion campaigns, including managing time, resources and methods
Creating, presenting and delivering information to a group or an individual
Year 10 will see the student complete two NEA (coursework) units, these will be internally assessed and moderated by OCR. In year 11 the students will complete an external exam.
RO32: Principles of care in health and social care settings - External exam (year 11)
RO33: Supportive individuals through life events - NEA (year 10)
RO35: Health Promotion Campaigns- NEA (year 10)
This course leads straight into our Sixth Form offering which is the Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Health and Social Care. It is also a great lead into T Level in Health and Healthcare Science, A Levels including: Biology, Sociology and Psychology, also apprenticeships such as dental nursing, maternity and paediatric support and many more.
OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate Health and Social Care - Year 12 & 13.
This course will provide learners with the skills, knowledge and understanding to progress into higher education. It will be taken as part of a study programme alongside other qualifications or A levels such as biology and physics.
The mandatory units will give learners an understanding in wider contexts of different environments and settings where care can take place, the importance of effective communication, the importance of legislation and how to deliver a person-centred approach. The development of transferable skills such as communication, research, planning and organisation is also seen throughout the course content.
Year 12 will see the students complete two external exams as well as an internal assessment to be moderated by OCR. In year 13 the students will complete a further external exam and two internal assessments moderated by OCR.
Unit 1: Building positive relationships in health and social care - Internal assessment (year 12)
Unit 2: Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care - external exam (year 12)
Unit 3: Health, safety and security in health and social care - external exam (year 12)
Unit 4: Anatomy and physiology for health and social care - external exam (year 13)
Unit 14: The impact of long-term physiological conditions - internal assessment (year 13)
Unit 24: Public health - internal assessment (year 13)
Link to KS4 and KS5 specification:
Health and Social Care Qualifications Summary Brochure
Key Stage 4: OCR Level 1/ 2 Cambridge National in Health and Social Care
Level 1/2 Text Book: https://www.hoddereducation.co.uk/subjects/health-social-care/products/levels-1-2/ocr-level-1-level-2-cambridge-national-in-health-a
Key Stage 5: OCR Level 3 Cambridge National in Health and Social Care https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/cambridge-technicals/health-and-social-care/units/#level-3
Level 3 Text Book: https://www.hoddereducation.co.uk/subjects/health-social-care/products/level-3/cambridge-technicals-level-3-health-and-social-car