Head of Department: Miss H Keeble


Drama Curriculum Overview

Curriculum overview

We explore many different genres, practitioners and forms, giving students a well rounded knowledge and experience of theatre. Students work towards mastering the 5 pillars of drama which are being able to:

  • Create Theatre

  • Direct Theatre

  • Perform Theatre

  • Design Theatre

  • Evaluate Theatre 

Create- Students will learn about scriptwriting and devising, using their creativity and imagination to create original performance work.

Direct- Students will get experiences in directing others, working on their communication and leadership skills to block and set performances. 

Perform- Students will develop their own performance skills, working on their vocal, physical and spatial skills to communicate character and emotion to an audience. This in turn will develop student’s confidence, oracy and empathy skills. 

Design- Students will learn about the different roles within theatre including lighting, sound, costume, set and prop design. They will all have the opportunity to experience using resources and equipment to aid this, using their creativity and communication skills to aid other’s performances through design. 

Evaluate- Students will use their analytical skills to study play texts and evaluate live performances.