Head of Computer Science: Mr J Howells


Computer Science Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum is designed to give our learners an insight into all aspects of computer use. Our curriculum aids students at all stages of computer preparation in the wider world, from basic uses of essential software including word-processing and basic data bases to more specialised software including Python and Photoshop. We aim to demystify the use of technology so learners have a good understanding of how computers are designed and how the network infrastructure is created to give our learners the insight for potential future innovation and development. We offer courses at OCR GCSE and A Level Computer Science to support pathways leading onto University courses in computer science including software development and network management. We also offer the Cambridge National iMedia course, designed to offer students a creative pathway in computer studies to open pathways to the creative and design aspects of computer use.

OCR J277 GCSE Computer Science 
Paper 1 - Computer Systems:  Written Paper, 90 Minutes, 80 Marks
Paper 2 - Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming: Written Paper, 90 Minutes, 80 Marks

Cambridge National J834 Creative iMedia
R093 - Creative iMedia in the Media Industry: Written paper, 70 marks (80 UMS)
R094 - Visual Identity and Digital Graphics: Coursework submission 50 marks (50 UMS)
R097 - Interactive Digital Media: Coursework submission 70 marks (70 UMS)

OCR H446 A Level Computer Science
Paper 1 - Computer Systems: Written Paper, 2 Hours and 30 Minutes, 140 Marks
Paper 2 - Algorithms and Programming: Written Paper, 2 Hours and 30 Minutes, 140 Marks
Programming Project: Non-Exam Assessment, 70 Marks